other pages

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Something I didnt know :)

Look at this party a Moderator did for us today...I wasnt here for the WHOLE thing so I didnt get to find out who it was.The reason I didnt get to be in the whole thing is because My internet connnections would change connections then I would have to switch and then refresh :)..Look at them:

This is the weird thing..Look at this..Guess where the magic was performed:
Its awkward because this magic
Was performed in MILKYWAY not CHOCOLATE
This is not usual for me :)Anyways peace everybody

Monday, March 28, 2011


Heya people I wanna give you my name on facebook (NOT REAL NAME OR PIC) its
Bribri Chobots so u can contact me on facebook

~~bribri321 A.K.A I CAN FIRE MEH LAZOR :)


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Believe you can do it!!!

Hi guys I just want to help you Future Agents by saying this..
Dont give up!If your getting recomendations good work!!Help people!Do the things an Agent would do like be nice..Study the rules and stuff like that...I know my blog is not All that ----> but I wanna say that if I can keep telling and sharing my blog with people then I am able to have a good blog and maybe can be an agent!!So can you!!You can make a blog for free at blogspot.com do whatever you want with it (in order to get recommendations then you must have a blog that can give in the news about chobots,be helpful to new chos in any kind of way and is not a blog that offends) I prefer that you should study the rules so your brain can suck up all the knowledge heres a food that I prefer and it ACTUALLY helped my mom get straight A's:
It could techniqually can be cooked ANY kind of way but NOT fried please heres a pic of a cooked fish:
Oh isn't that yummy?Well thats the thing that got me on the HONOR ROLL
XD!!Can't you believe my luck??Well the reason why this is the right food is because it has the right minerals you need PLUS its yummy AND is
BRAIN FOOD!So I prefer this...


The rule breakers

Hi guys alot of people are being mean to other people so I just want to say this:If people are breaking the rules they are like NICHOS.NICHOS are bad and they want the cho-power for destruction!!So heres the game plan :) If people are being mean to you REPORT AND IGNORE because ALOT of people dont know that and they have to deal with it so remember this okay???Okay

~~Bribri321 A.K.A Frozen Banana Gurl

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Hi guys,
I wanted to like look at stuff so I went on chobots.de (Its German version of chobots) So i like this pic better than this (The will ears are from a pic when I was on chobots.de German version of chobots >:O)
 It was actuall pretty fun but the WEIRD part is that they still have the OLD things.
I cant decide which one is going to be my blog banner so I will start up a contest!Whoever chooses the one which I like gets a banner for their blog too!I will make one for them...Which one looks better?The chobots german one (the 1st one) or the chobots.com one..Please help meh I cant decide

Bribri321 A.K.A Frozen Banana gurl :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Sorry :)

Sorrry guys I didn't know it would be this hard..So sorry for the delay I am truly sorry..

Rock on!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My bff's

Hay guys..I figured out how to make a pic..Its new 4 me but this is how you must have windows 7
1.Log on to your computer
2.go to the place where you wanna take a pic on the computer
3.press snipping tool
4.Do the right size for your thing that u wanna take a pic of can fit in
5.save it to JPEG image
6.go to ur blog
7. click new post
8.post the pic!

See wasn't that easy?..Later on I will do these instructions image style..Well lets se my bff's and I
And thats how it shows up!I'm in the middle :)

Oh wow..Thanks

Thanks everybody who is helping my blog by following us Its really helpful for us to get noticed...Our next step is to get around 15 sponsors so I ask the sponsors now please tell your friends we really need to get noticed..

I appreciate it..


Friday, March 11, 2011

All you need to know about HACKERS

Okay guys hackers are like the worst thing that could happen to Chobots.You know why?Because of CAT.So this post is about what you need to know about hackers..Hackers on Chobots will do MOD magic which will do to your computer  MAJOR LAG.So here is the Main symptoms of hacker is mainly lagging..You know that Hackers can't get enough MOD rain so my opinion is that they want your computer to lag..
It is mainly for hackers to go on a mod rain site that ends in  .de And don't advertise hacker sites because we don't want Chobots go to a point when the MODS have to shut it down..So the only thing you can do is report them and ignore them...If they have bad words in there names them ignore it also and if it has YOUR name on it IGNORE it also and try to report them so that they can learn to stop hacking chobots....Like I said:HACKERS ARE THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN TO CHOBOTS.


Hi guys

There has been  ALOT of  commotion about  PEOPLE HACKING CHOBOTS....So I just want to say that alot of people are using cho-namez.tk by Cat..Cat was de-moded and he now plots to have revenge by hacking chobots and doing mods rain!!!And Plus people on cho-namez are using bad words for names so we want that to stop NOW because there are little children playing on Chobots!By the way will if ur checking this out happy 800th :)...So I just want to say "Thank you everybody who is nice,friendly, and always helpful to try and tell the people on cho-namez.tk to stop doing it...But for some reason they keep doing it...So I just suggest everytime you see one try to report them and ignore their names..
And thanks MODS for flushing chobots so that the hackers can get out!"...Thanks for all the followers we really need support from SOMEBODY...Also while Cat is doing TOOO MUCH mod rain peoples computers or laptops start to lag..(Lag:When there is too much commotion going on a website and your computer or laptop can't keep up so it will crash and you will have to refresh..Sometimes it will recover and you won't have to refresh.)Cat is almost ALWAYS making too much accounts on cho-namez so thats when the MODS have to come and flush everybody out!!!!!So please..DON'T FOLLOW WITH CAT!!!OBEY THE RULES AND BE NICE!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Leader Post!

Hi guys so like bad news one of our leaders have quit so we have like 1 thing for leadership so if you want to apply here is the requirements
1.Don't boss people around too hard
2.I am the Creator of this so if you don't treat me with respect you get fired.
3.Have fun!

So comment to see if you want to be a leader..

Helping Post

Hi guys this is a HELPING Post... So this is for new people about MONEY (Bugs)

Bugs are used to buy things and clothing..You can get bugs by winning a contest a MOD has made or playing games....Like:
Chopix quest

Garbage Collector
Space Racing
Cow mission (Located in Mission Agency
Sliders,Checkers,Chess (Located in and outside of Acadamy..
Choproff (Located in Academy)
Robots Arena
And this is where you can spend your money
3.Magic Shop
4.Eco Shop (Pet Shop)
6.Robots Arena....
Eco shop is to buy a pet shop..The magic shop is where you buy magic..The makeyourownhouseshop is to buy a house...The cafe is to buy food...The robots arena is to buy a robot.....And the shop is to buy clothes!


Need help with Posting a picture?

Hi this is the Help post so that you can know how we can help you with your blog....
1. press New Post
2.Press that picture that is on the right of the word Link..
3.You can upload from your album,from the blog,From Picasa Web Album,or press from a URL
4.What I recommend is the first one...Then Choose a picture from your files!
5.Then press the picture.
6.Press Add Selected and your done


I'm in a good mood today :)

Hi guys....Lately I have been on the computer alot...And I put in the Penguins of Madagascar Operation:DVD Premeire...And I tell you ITS AWSOME :P....I like the 1st one its the best....So....We got a new item..Its another dino its  a T-rex look at the picture


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Hi guys!!We got some terriible news...Safiria and some citizen got in a fight and she quit the Chobots Helping Community!!Poor her!!!Well we got some announcements to make..We are going to start making "Video of the Month"...The winner....Is....

Epic Movie 2

My opinion if I could give out prizes then I would give a video camera......


We got a sponsor!

Guess what?We got a sponsor for our blog!Her name is Corkal!!!I would like to announce it because its an honor to me and Safiria!Thanks Corkal!


Thanks for joining :)

Hi guys we got some new helpers!! Mimo123777 and Taytay99102 are now offical Helpers of the Chobots Helping Community!!!Great job!Only 7 more slots now before the Chobots Helping Community will officially start BUT we must act of ways to make Chobots Helping Center better so Tomorrow at exactly 1:00 to 1:30 we will have a meeting and discuss about how we will make it better...

See ya soon!

Now what you need to know about the Chobots Helping Community

Okay the Chobots Helping Community location will be on Vanilla.
If there is a party we will re-locate to Chocolate..
The only slots for help is 9 so look at the requirements and see if you want to join..
3rd Cow Mission is where the Chobots Helping Community...


Chobots Helping Community

Hi guys Bribri321 and I are going to start a Chobots Helping community so please help us and sponser...You can sponsor by commenting this or Follow us!We take care of your every need!Here are the requirements to be apart of us and help..
1.Be nice.
2.Respect and Obey the rules.
3.Treat others the way you want to be treated
4.Have fun!
5.You should be about 100 of days or up to be apart of us..
6.Don't brag
7.Have fun!!
Please don't ask for money or carry crazy rumors about us we just want to help  Chobots be a better place.