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Saturday, May 7, 2011


Hi everybody I was roaming around chobots and I found bad chobots names..You know who that is..JAKE

                                                                    (Picture from Safiria)

 Who whould put such a thing I mean Boy11 did nothing wrong he is just a simple agent.

(Picture from Bribri321)

Ok now what did Hikikomori do?Nothing really they just want attention...
Well thats all of them I can post cuz my computer won't load

3 more days of citizenship

On blog.chobots.com alot of people have been posting "I want a refund!" or "Its not fair!My money was wasted cuz you shut it down!" ..But HIKI stopped it by saying that when its May 9,2011 she will add 3 more days to your citizenship..YEAH I AM HAPPY!!THX HIKI